Monday, October 17, 2005

I'm Free!

Thanks to Rbelle I have a new blog home!
Oh I'll still hang out on the old site. Gotta have something for the parents to read, but this is the unedited version. I will maintain my Southern tact, of course...but just barely!


RB said...

Whoo hoO!

Jaimelee said...

Everyone's ditched me or hiding or something.....But I still find you!!

Anonymous said...

You go ahead and air that laundry! I can stand any smells! Heee..... I like your new digs!

Mrs. Flinger said...

WOOOOP! Welcome to bichfest Callibelle!

Anonymous said...

So, today is Thursday and we expect much snarkiness from you :)


Jaimelee said...

Still waiting for something smelly!!!

Anonymous said... we get to read the real deal...